Sunday, July 22, 2007

Squared: HP, work...

I finished the new Harry Potter book today and I'm so sad it's the last. Not because I think Harry's story should go on, it's just nice to fall in love with characters, especially series characters. The book had me tearing up in spots and I think Rowling does a really good job with suspense novels. I hope she writes other books and sticks to the same sort of mystery genre. But I don't think all of her books should be about a magical world. I hope she does something either in a totally different world or in the "real world."

My new job is going well... I have to go to the office tomorrow and then not so much after that, which is good. But I have a lot of work to do this week, especially since I'm going to Cedar Point on Thursday. I'll be working all day Tuesday and Wednesday and probably some on Friday too.

We move in less than a month and I'm starting to get really frazzled about that. I just really need to know when, exactly, we can start moving again and I don't really want to do it all in one day. I need to clean this apartment, when it's empty, and I want to clean the new apartment, when it's empty. So hopefully we can start moving on the 10th (we need to be out of SC by the 15th).

I'm feeling really sick again, which just sucks. I've been feeling sick, off and on, for over a week now and it's really getting to me. It's getting to that point where you don't ever remember feeling well and you don't know what feeling well is like anymore.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Cubed: It's clear this has fallen by the wayside

My new job is going really well. I work tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday and then I'm done with training and will very rarely have to go into the office. Which is good considering it's freaking freezing in there.

The Echo... well it's going. I don't know if it's going well. I have a website up for it and I think it's going ok, but I'm worried some people just aren't checking it, aren't interested in reading it, etc. Which is not good because I'm not sending out e-mails anymore. So... we'll see what happens. I think our July issue came out good and there's certainly been enough going on around campus (*cough*Vick, Hall, Fallon*cough*) that I'm not worried about a staff edit topic for August.

As far as everything else... I went to the dentist yesterday and had fillings done. I'm confused a bit though. I brush my teeth a lot, almost obsessively. I don't eat candy, although I do drink soda. I'm a pretty good eater, I like salads a lot, broccoli, love veggies. And my dentist reassures me that my cavities aren't a direct result of say, me, as it is that cavities just happen and that the cavities I'm getting filled now are usually ones kids get. And I'm 22. So it's good my teeth have been so good so long. How many cavities have you all had filled? I have four that are filled on the top that was done last year. Then, yesterday, I had one filling re-done because it was done 5 years ago and needed to be replaced and three more (but only 3 teeth (one tooth needed two)). Then next month, on the other side of my mouth on the bottom I'm getting the same thing. So total, I'll have 12 fillings in my mouth. That seems like an awful lot. And my dentist says that most of them are just surface fillings. A part of me thinks he's just doing this to a. torture me and b. get my insurance money.

At least my fillings match my teeth and I don't look like I have a million dollar mouth.

My cat (um... not Preston who is my "son", but Max, my mother's cat who I found and adopted and mothered until I got Preston) went to the vet today. He's 11 years ago and really old and really really really skinny. Like, I'm talking anorexic only he's not. He eats all the freaking time. He always has been skinny and always has ate a lot. He used to weigh 8 pounds and they weighed him today and he only weighed 6 pounds! They did blood work and he has underactive thyroids. My poor baby... I'm still really upset. So he has special food now and medicine and he has another appt. in 2 weeks to see if he gained anything. So please please keep him in your thoughts because this cat (well any cat) means a lot to me and I know he still has a lot of life in him and he needs to gain weight.

My other cat, who obviously lives with me... he has no problem eating and being fat. He's not really... according to my vet, male cats should be around 12 - 15 pounds. He's 12.5 pounds. He's short, though, which makes him seem fatter (he must get the shortness from me) and he's long-haired which makes him look even fatter!!! He's not all that healthy either because he always has ear issues and his scratching hasn't cleared up although we've been a lot stricter about it lately (see an earlier post for more info). His chin acne is starting to clear up a little... I'm going to buy some acne medicine after we move to the cheaper apartment.

I'll try to update more frequently so I don't always have posts as long as this...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Life Happens: Harry Potter, SYTYCD

So two weeks ago, I had J go pick up HP tickets. I didn't want to go to the midnight screening, because let's face it, I'm not a kid anymore (kid meaning literally 17 and under). I just don't want to stay up until 2:30 a.m. watching a movie and then have to drive home. So, I had him get tickets for a Friday show at 9:45 p.m.
So here's some backstory... because I want this all to make sense. Because I've had issues actually going to class (if I still get A's, why is it necessary) and passing math, J set up a reward schedule for me. If I a D in math, I got dinner. If I get a C, I got dinner and a movie. If I got a B, I got dinner, a movie, and a DVD season. If I got an A, I got dinner, a movie, a DVD season, and a 2 night, 3 day trip to Chicago. I got a C so I get dinner and a movie. So I chose HP to be my movie, Max and Erma's to be my dinner and I wanted them on the same day. I wanted time to go to dinner, and go to HP and not be up until all hours of the night. Additionally, I didn't want to go to dinner at 6, I prefer to eat a bit later, like between 7 and 10. Hence, tickets at 9:45.

Little did I know that the movie actually came out on Tuesday and not Thursday. So I could've been at the movies tonight except I didn't want to take the time to exchange the tickets. So unfortunately, I have to wait until Friday. I'm hoping a bit less people will be there. I know it'll be fairly full, I just hope it won't be packed full. Regardless we have assigned seating and we know we're right in the middle near the top which is good. So far, I'm pleased. And I'm super excited for Friday.

On to SYTYCD (So You Think You Can Dance)... I really think Nigel notices things other ppl doesn't. For example, he just told Danny he needed to give people a reason to pick up the phone and vote for him. I totally agree. I don't like Danny at all. But Anya, she gives me reason to vote (even though I don't). But Danny has no expression, no emotion. It's annoying. Anyway, just wanted to share that.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

STN: First day on the job

I've found my calling. Or rather... I've always known what my calling was and now I get to make money at it!

I get to edit reports for a corporation from home. How cool is that? $10 bucks an hour to boot... which isn't necessarily amazing since I've made that before, but I think it's pretty awesome. So this fall, not only will I be making there, but also making serious dough at the Echo. I'll be bringing home about $1,500 a month... for doing nothing. I mean, yes I'm doing stuff, but it's like mind numbingly fun easy stuff. And I don't have to really report to anyone. I L.O.V.E. it.

So I just have to complete 36 hours of training this week and next and then I get to work from home. I'm so glad I found this job. I think about ppl who complain about not being able to find a job and I think that's so beyond ridiculous... I always find jobs really quick. I only looked for three months, had a job offer, turned it down, ceased looking (for other reasons - NOT of discouragement, I actually got promoted at the Echo and chose to stay in school). I started looking again, looked for two weeks and got a job. That's not unreasonable.

But anyway, I'm really looking forward to my training and getting it over so I can work in my pjs at home!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Life Happens: Rewind

My week has been so crazy... I'm on my balcony and I'm ready for sleep.

So let's see what has happened this past week...
I received so many e-mails from my advertisements on Craig's List and Facebook for opinions columnists. I'm really happy and am now really excited about the fall semester. I also am getting audited by EMU, which is great because than I can really know what classes I have left. Hopefully, they find I only need 2, which is what I believe I need.

On Tuesday, my mum came and got me and Preston to take us to Birch Run, my hometown. I could've drove us but my windows don't have child safety locks and Preston likes to walk around the car. He has actually opened a window before so I couldn't take the risk. Jason had to stay home and work, so she came and got us. My parents are smokers which above all, bothers me, and secondly, bothers Preston and Jason (who joined us Wed. night). So my brother pitched us his tent in the backyard. It was really really fun. But Preston decided he liked the outdoors and more so, the birds right near the tent. It was kinda hard at times keeping him in the tent, like at night. Wednesday, we had dinner at my grandparents' house. They're tearing down their second house (which is right next door - literally - to the main house) and building a garage. So anyway... we had dinner there. Then that night, Jason came!!! Also on Wed., Preston's collar broke so that severly limited his outdoorsy-ness. But once Jason was there, we let him walk around outside with us and he was really good.

Thursday... Jason went down to help with the demo of the house. I went swimming... we had dinner at my parents'. Later that night, we hung out with some friends. Then today after wakin up, we came back home to Ypsilanti and Jason's at work.

I also found out Tuesday morning that the Echo is putting out a July issue. So tonight, I have to do some work on that and tomorrow... and then Monday morning, I'll be in the office to finish up the paper. Tuesday, I start my new other job.

I'm really excited about all of this stuff... but summer is going by so fast. Before I know it, it's going to be fall, then I'll celebrate my fourth year with Jason and then I'll celebrate my 23rd birthday and then I'll graduate and then it'll be Operation W&H and then it'll be Christmas. Everything is just going right by. First though, I need to get my ass moved. Packing has... not happened in a while and I think I need to try to get back on board with it.

Anyway... I also got my Harry Potter tickets for next Friday. Very excited about that. Hope you all had a great fourth!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Echo: In Need of Opinions Writers

I'm looking for opinions columnists for the fall. Anyone who is going to EMU with six or more undergrad credits and 3 or more grad credits is eligible to work for the Echo. Please contact me by e-mail: to learn more about this great opportunity!!!!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Cubed: Where's my letter dude?

HEEEEEEY kids! Ok, so here's another new type of entry for ya'll. "Cubed" is for entries that have a mixture of entry topics...

So, on Tuesday, I accepted the STN job and I was supposed to receive a formal offer letter by e-mail detailing the arrangements. Never received it. And earlier in the week, on Tuesday or Wednesday, around that same time, I received an e-mail from J from work with pictures that was 9.8 MB, which is half of the allotted space within emich. So I re-sent an e-mail today asking if she had received my previous e-mail, blah blah blah. Hopefully everything is working out ok!

And it's officially the official end of spring semester. All grades are in and drum roll please....
I PASSED ALGEBRA!!! And not even by the skinny skin skin of my chin! So excited. So I sold all my books back today and J got Harry Potter tickets with them! I think that's an effective use of book money.

Venting time... I have no idea if we're doing a summer issue due tomorrow. And frankly, I'm over it. This is honestly too short of notice for everyone. I'm angry....

Tonight, as part of my pre-packing packing, I'm going to look through all of the cupboards and find out which food I can give away, which food I'm going to force J to eat, and which food I can make as meals for the two of us. I want kitchen packing to be as minimal as possible come August so hopefully this will help in that. If anyone has any other tips on packing, please let me know. I've only done it once and frankly, it S-U-C-K-E-D! We did it all in one day and it was hot and too much work. I'm hoping that this time we can do it over the span of a few days.

Alrighty, I'm off to the kitchen. I'm a little scared of what I might find...