Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Echo: Website, a slacker writer, etc.

The Echo website is up and running again.

So I have to deal with this slacker writer who I didn't want to hire in the first place, but I did anyway and now I regret it. He's creepy, he doesn't turn in his stuff on time, and I don't even think he reads my e-mails I send out. Now I know that I can be a bit self-indulgent at times in my e-mails and some of them are a bit long, but they all contain useful information. I would fire him, but I don't think he's done enough "bad" stuff yet. So I'll keep him on and in the meantime, I'll make sure we always have enough stuff so that I don't get screwed when he doesn't turn his stuff in.

Other than that, work is going pretty good. Spring is so easy. Fall is going to be so much more intense and I'm trying to get myself ready for it.

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